Physicians, Clinicians, and Coaching.

A collaborative approach to healthcare

Allow me to help your patients to help themselves.

How this approach helps…

I’m sure you have felt the frustration of prescribing a treatment plan, medication, or suggesting healthy lifestyle changes only to have the patient partially follow your recommendations, or worse, ignore them altogether. Then, seeing this frustrated patient again for the same or similar problem only to be told “I didn’t really understand”,  “I didn’t have time”, it was too hard”, or “it didn’t work”.

You only have a limited amount of time to spend with each patient. You don’t have the time to explain every nuance of their treatment, explain how every lifestyle choice is affecting them, or to delve in to what motivates each patient, where their mental blocks are, or be available to provide the emotional support that your patient may need.

This is where I, your collaborative Health Coach, come in.

Patients have much better outcomes when they are actively involved in their treatment.

Health coaching helps patients to gain the knowledge, skills, tools, confidence, and motivation to become active participants in their care so they can reach their goals for health and well-being.

I accomplish this through Motivational Interviewing techniques, Positive Psychology, Appreciative Inquiry, and applying the Stages of Change model.

I have completed an intensive training program through the highly regarded Kresser Institute and am a Certified Functional Health and Wellness coach.

This collaborative approach has been proven to significantly enhance patient outcomes. I am available for a straight forward referral, a quick 3-way video conference, or a quick Doctor / Coach meeting before I coach your patient. It is also up to you the degree of follow up communication you desire from me.

I would love to speak with you and answer any questions you may have on how this can best work for you and your patients.

Overview of  Benefits

Self-Management Support

Providing information, teaching disease-specific skills, promoting behavior change, imparting problem-solving skills, assisting with the emotional impact of illness, encouraging follow up and encouraging participation in treatment.

Bridge between clinician and patient

Serving as the patient’s liaison, ensuring that the patient understands and agrees with the care plan, providing cultural and language-concordance.

Emotional Support

Showing interest, inquiring about emotional issues. showing compassion and teaching coping skills.

Ensuring the patient understands treatment

Connecting the patient with resources, facilitating support, empowering the patient and ensuring the patient’s voice is heard.


Providing familiarity, following up, establishing trust and being available.